Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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Cobb EMC is the Most Affordable Electric Provider in Georgia

The 2016 Georgia PSC (PSC) summer survey found that the rates of the Cobb Electric Membership Corporation (Cobb EMC) are the lowest in Georgia.  According to the PSC’s survey, compared to the average electric utility customer, Cobb EMC members save approximately $31.66 dollars per month on their summer bills.

Western Farmers Adds Utility-Scale Solar

Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (Western Farmers) is adding 43 MW of utility-scale solar through power purchase agreements and projects it has planned or under construction.  Western Farmers has agreed to purchase 25 MW from the Caprock Solar Power Project, which is under development in New Mexico, and is developing 18 MW of utility-scale solar at five locations near Western...

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