Eversheds Sutherland Coop Law Blog
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The CEO of East Central Energy, the first rural electric cooperative to receive a certificate of inclusion from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service into the Monarch Butterfly Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances, spoke to a House panel about the ways the federal government can collaborate with local property owners to conserve wildlife.

Electric Cooperatives and Produce Company Collaborate to Create New Electric Refrigeration Trucking Units

Surry-Yadkin Electric Membership Corporation, Hollar & Greene Produce and North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives recently unveiled new electric refrigeration trucking units that will help reduce carbon dioxide emissions and provide a more energy efficient way to transport produce.

CORE Electric Cooperative Forms Partnership to Plant Trees in Colorado

In a first of its kind venture, CORE Electric Cooperative (CORE) has partnered with FarmBox Foods to plant trees in a Vertical Hydroponic Farm inside an upcycled shipping container to rehabilitate forests along Colorado’s Front Range. CORE plans on planting 15,000 blue spruces and ponderosa pines in the first three years of the project.

Flathead Electric Cooperative Assists in Bird Conservation Efforts

Flathead Electric Cooperative assisted in the installation of an osprey nest adjacent to its Bigfork Dam. The nest will serve to keep the area’s osprey population healthy and strong.